Is Climate Change Man-Made (anthropogenic)?


For example, despite major climate events like ice ages and subsequent periods of warming, we now have the highest atmospheric CO2 levels in the air in 800,000 years and it is rapidly increasing.

Image from l

This is not business as usual. The major change in CO2 levels clearly started with the Industrial Revolution and the vastly increased use of fossil fuels. There have been relatively small cyclical changes in atmospheric CO2, but no major changes in 800,000 years, other than the recent increase since we started burning fossil fuels.

Recent changes in atmospheric CO2 are well demonstrated with the Keeling Curve from Hawaii that is maintained by UC San Diego and the Scripps Institute of Oceanography.

Image from Scripps Institute of Oceanography

The saw-tooth pattern is due to lower levels of atmospheric CO2 in the summer from photosynthesis, where plants take in CO2 and put out oxygen and water; that is how sensitive this data is. We are seeing the Earth breathe.

The math works: we have a very good idea of the amount of CO2 and other Greenhouse gasses (GHG) we release, the volume of the atmosphere and what the atmospheric concentration of GHG is.

We know where the GHG come from, how much GHG in the air, and what the expected impact on temperature of increased concentrations GHG is expected to be. We also know how much the temperature has risen (about 1 to 1.1 degree C, 1.8 F, or slightly more, half since 1970), which is as predicted by the rise of CO2e levels, as determined by the well known chemistry and physics.

Are there other explanations?

Critics suggest other mechanisms, but cannot account for the current rapid climate change. You can find rebuttals to a handful of their spurious arguments on the Debunking Climate Change Myths page.