What Can Be Done


We can create a better world!

Climate change and pollution from burning fossil fuels will get worse – we have been seeing that happening before our eyes, but how much worse isn’t settled.

Do we have the will to act? It won’t be easy, especially since it takes planning and cooperation and willingness to make hard choices, all in short supply in many politicians, and of no interest at all to certain special interest groups.

There has been progress in the United States in the last decade. Environment America reports that we are getting three times as much energy from clean sources like wind and solar, with improvements in all 50 states, compared to 10 years ago! The passage of the Inflation Reduction Act in August 2022 with $369 billion to combat climate change, including incentives that may help both us take further action, is the most hopeful step in years, despite its drawbacks.

It is a start. It is hard to fight special interest groups, some with political and business agendas that lead them to deny and deflect in order to fight meaningful climate action in order to maintain their obscene profits, who have been shown to lie and cheat and buy politicians with their vast fortunes.

We also have to watch that the burden does not fall primarily on the poor and disenfranchised, the most vulnerable. (see also Equity and Climate Justice section).


Here is a report of a spring 2022 survey on attitudes about climate change from the Yale Climate Communication group and globally from a 2023 report.

Also remember that the world has signed on to the Paris Accords and participates in the  Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (the IPCC). Whether they will follow through or not, this means that there is official recognition of the problem, an insufficient but necessary first step.

There are pathways out of this, all is not lost. Certainly computer modeling (which has been accurate so far; if anything at times underestimating the damage) shows how bad it will be if we don’t act; the good news is there are scenarios that show it isn’t too late to make a difference! (see our blog post on happy computer scenarios)

We must act as a society, a civilization. However, so far there is no panacea, no easy path, no silver bullet. And there may never be.

It may not be easy, but big problems need big solutions.

Small actions matter, but they are not sufficient.

Facing big problems requires courage and not giving in to despair.

Facing big problems means looking hard at the downsides of potential solutions and making hard choices when no choice is perfect.

Inaction is not an option. The status quo is not an option. Wishful thinking is not an option.

Hope, aspirational thinking, can be useful.

Ways to approach climate change: mitigation and adaptation.

We can “mitigate” climate change by decreasing greenhouse gases (GHG) in the atmosphere or “adapt” to the damage climate change causes.

This page is a summary of the technologies and large-scale community, national and international efforts to combat climate change. Personal steps you can take to help are in another section (see personal actions and lifestyle changes). There is overlap. For example, solar energy and electric vehicles are personal choices if you can afford them and they fit your needs and resources (where you live, what you can afford, how much you travel), as, for example, are composting and planting trees, but they also must be scaled up as community and governmental efforts.

Contents of this page:

The first five sections are strategies, techniques and tools designed to “mitigate” climate change (and as a co-benefit pollution from fossil fuel combustion) by decreasing greenhouse gases (GHG); the last is to “adapt” to the damage that has already begun.

1. Replace fossil fuels and other causes of GHG emissions

  • Infrastructure and technologies are needed to allow us to use more electricity

  • We have the tools we need to make significant headway

  • Use alternate forms of generating electricity that create less GHG:

    • solar

    • wind

    • hydroelectric

    • tidal forces

    • geothermal

    • nuclear fission

    • nuclear fusion

    • agricultural waste and biofuel

    • hydrogen

  • Less meat and organic waste in landfills

  • Solving concrete

2. Regulation and carbon schemes

  • carbon pricing

  • carbon offsets

  • other regulations

3. Draw Down GHG (Pull CO2 out of the air)

A. Carbon capture and storage

B. Natural CO2 removal

  • planting tees

  • other biologic solutions

  • biochar

  • sustainable agriculture

4. Block sunlight and other geoengineering

5. Circular economy

6. Adapt (resiliency)

7. Can we afford this? (spoiler: yes!)

This page is a set of summaries of the pertinent approaches to dealing with climate change Many of the ideas and techniques are presented in more detail in the embedded links and in resources books in the annotated bibliography. Particularly useful books are Drawdown and Regeneration, No Miracles Needed, The Carbon Almanac, From Knowledge to Power, Saving Us, Speed and Scale. Many of the websites in our resources section have more information as well.

1. Less Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Production: Replace fossil fuels


Produce less GHG, then let nature take its course as GHG do have a half-life in the atmosphere, meaning they will dissipate over time. Unfortunately, that is often decades or centuries in the case of CO2 (which is why we are so concerned about CO2 particularly; it stays around so builds up even if we add just a little).  If we can decrease GHG production, at least some short-lived GHG will decrease over the next few decades so we have a chance. For the most part this means replacing the energy obtained from the combustion of fossil fuels with energy sources that do not produce GHG.

We have the tools we need to make significant headway

In his book No Miracles Needed: How Today’s Technology Can Save Our Climate and Clean Our Air (2023. Cambridge University Press), Mark Z. Jacobson, an engineering professor at Stanford University and an environmental activist, details his reasons for believing that the available technology, primarily solar, wind, water (hydroelectric) (and geothermal power along with some others being developed, such as tidal power), in conjunction with well thought-out approaches to particular sectors (transportation, buildings, industry), can be sufficient to mitigate climate change. His is an engineering approach, and certainly there are other considerations (economics and social justice, the limits and concerns of extractive technologies), but he does provide hope and has done the work to show that we can tackle this problem, it is tractable, and solutions are at hand.

In fact, thirteen countries have electric grids with 97.5 to 100% generated by wind-water-solar. These countries are Congo (yes, the nation that mines cobalt we use for electric vehicle batteries at this time with great human misery and environmental destruction- ironic), Ethiopia, Kenya, Nambia, Scotland, Tajikistan, Nepal, Bhutan, Paraguay, Albania, Costa Rica, Norway, and Iceland. In some of these countries the per capita energy use is relatively low, and most use geothermal or water power, mostly water, which are not available everywhere or are already near maximum use for many countries and regions. Scotland is an important exception: a relatively high per capita power use, high-income country that relies primarily on wind power!

(source: No Miracles Needed. Mark Z Jacobson. St. Martin’s Press. 2023. pages 282-284.)

Think about where we use fossil fuels the most: transportation, electricity generation, industrial agriculture, building, heating and cooling buildings.

When we use renewable sources of electricity that do not produce GHG, we still have to adapt our technologies and infrastructure to use electricity for these critical sectors.

Electric heat pumps, for example, could aid in heating and cooling buildings, and if solar, wind or other renewable power is used it avoids the use of coal or methane (natural gas). A refrigerator works by using a coolant to absorb and remove heat from the box and releasing the heat from the coolant to the air in the room. Reverse that process and the box warms up. If the box is a building, you can see that a heat pump can cool or heat, it just depends on where you send the chilled air or the warm air (inside or outside the house).

For transportation we can make inroads with electric vehicles. Electric vehicles are catching on, but are expensive and we need more charging stations to be useful for long distance traveling (as of September 2022 money is being released for this by the federal government as part of the Inflation Reduction Act).

Long-distance trucks, aircraft flying more than short distances, and cargo ships would need batteries that are much too large and heavy to be feasible. It can be a problem if the electricity goes out and you don’t have another source of electricity available (like solar panels on your roof).

Also among the downsides: materials needed for the battery and car computers are expensive and are often found in “unfriendly” countries, enriching dictators. We need to recycle batteries and transition away from cobalt used in batteries for electric vehicles for this effort to be “green” and to minimize harm. There is also the problem of what to do with spent batteries. We would need to do major upgrades on our power grid as well if we have a large fleet of electric vehicles. Also see our discussion of electric vehicles on our lifestyles page.

Of course, while mining for minerals needed for batteries and other technologies is an environmental and social justice/equity concern, so is fossil fuel extraction! The damage and huge environmental cost of obtaining fossil fuels cannot be overlooked even beyond the effects on climate change of burning carbon in combustion engines.

It is also important to realize that the lithium used in batteries for electric vehicles is a finite resource. Our stock of lithium can be extended by using more efficient means of transportation like mass transit and lower energy transportation (e.g., electric bicycles, walking). Mass transit can be very useful if used. Expensive to create and build, difficult to use in a spread-out city, but it is an alternative mode of transportation that saves on GHG and serves a wider segment of the public. Even in spread-out Los Angeles, there were 800,000 boardings each day in 2022 and there were more daily rides before the Covid pandemic. Buses can be electric for short city runs that allow charging in a timely manner, or even hydrogen powered.

An additional benefit: how different the political landscape would be if Europe wasn’t dependent on Russia’s natural gas for heating their homes.

While there is no “free lunch,” and many changes and improvements are needed, we must transition from inefficient, polluting, GHG-producing gasoline-powered combustion engines and electricity production.

• Solar and wind power

While nothing comes without a price in terms of potential harms, from the planetary health perspective the benefits of clean energy carefully planned and done with care far outweigh the drawbacks. This is especially obvious comparing these technologies to the harms of climate change, pollution and environmental destruction we have endured at the hands of the fossil fuel industries.

The good news is that the use of solar and wind power to generate electricity is catching on, not only in the United States, but globally as well. Indeed in 2022 we saw that we are ramping up renewable energy faster than we thought we would.

As we reported in the Now and News section in December 2022, the International Energy Association estimated that by the end of the 2022-2027 period the capacity to generate electricity will increase globally by 30% more than was predicted just a year before, with over 90% of new capacity generated by renewable sources, mostly wind and solar! Solar energy capacity will triple in the next five years, wind double. The amount of increased renewable energy capacity in the next five years will be as much as in the previous 20 years. By early 2025 renewable sources of electricity are predicted to surpass coal globally for the first time ever.

Solar panels (photovoltaic panels; photo= light, voltaic = creating voltage, i.e., electricity) convert the power of sunlight directly into electrical power. The amount of sunlight, electromagnetic waves, reaching the Earth is immense, and we have the technology to capture that and create electricity. They can be used from the smallest scales (backpacks and roofs) to very large arrays. The price of solar panels has decreased remarkably, a real success story (although the whole process of installing panels and connecting them to the grid is still expensive).

Wind is an age-old source of energy. Windmills have been around for centuries, but the wind turbines of today bear little resemblance to their forebearers.

Ultimately wind power is a form of solar energy: the Sun heats up the earth, which heats the air, which creates wind. In the United States the use of wind power for generating electricity has caught on particularly in the Midwest, and Texas has more wind power than any other state.

The ideal is, whenever possible, to have both wind and solar power available in a given region; if it is not sunny, it may be windy. Wind can blow during the night as well. When the Sun is not available.

Wind and solar energy industries have the additional benefit of creating new jobs.

The bad news is that the energy from solar and wind cannot be stored very efficiently at scale when it isn’t sunny or windy, so we still need additional back-up.

There are clever ideas for storage of energy generated by the Sun and wind, such as pumping water uphill with wind or solar during the day and using the stored gravitational energy to power turbines at night letting the water flow down, a form of hydropower.

Modern lithium batteries are expensive and large, but have been used both on the scale of homes as well as back-up for larger communities. Batteries can work on a very large scale. Mike Ferry reported in a Los Angeles Times editorial on 9/13/22 that huge batteries in arrays prevented loss of power during the September 2022 heat wave. On 9/5/22 “California’s batteries provided more power — over 3,360 megawatts — than the Diablo Canyon nuclear power plant, the state’s largest electric generator, which tops out at 2,250.” In one 3-hour period they provided 4% of the energy during peak demand. There were no rolling brownouts, let alone blackouts, in California during the heat wave.

Since the large size and weight of batteries needed to power large trucks, ships, and planes for long-haul transportation is a real problem, the use of electricity in those cases is not feasible at this time. Trains can be electric, though many for long distance travel and hauling are diesel. In September 2022 Air Canada ordered 30 electric planes that can fly 124 miles and seat 30 passengers. There are also electric trucks that can do medium-haul transport. Impressive, but still a limited range. International ocean transport is also a particularly difficult problem because of the huge masses of material being shipped long distances.

Concentrated solar power (CSP) is a step more indirect than photovoltaic solar energy for producing electricity. In CSP sunlight is focused by mirrors so that the concentrated energy is very hot (about 500-1000 degrees C, or 900-800 degrees F). This intense heat can be used to heat water to make steam that can power turbines to generate electricity. The basic idea of using the Sun to create steam, on a small scale, was proposed about 150 years ago by Augustin Mouchot in France. The solar generated heat energy can be stored in a heated fluid, a real advantage. Unfortunately, CSP systems for generating electricity at scales we need are expensive, generate a lot of heat, needs land (this does NOT go on your roof), and can kill a lot of birds.

There are other ways that solar energy can be manipulated to advantage, for example, to regulate the temperature inside buildings. “Smart buildings” have technologies that decrease energy use. There are systems for automatically adjusting the ambient temperature automatically and efficiently. Often this is a form of passive solar adjustments. For example, there are provisions in the 2022 Inflation Reduction Act for a 30% tax break on “smart glass.” Smart glass uses metal oxides and a small amount of electricity to change the tint of the glass in windows, a form of passive solar climate adjustment. Smart glass can save as much as 20% on heating and cooling. It is like shutting your blinds or curtains in the summer, or opening them to the sun in winter. For large buildings full of busy people, this can save a lot of energy. Since smart glass is still expensive, it’s probably best to stick to adjusting the blinds or curtains at home for now.

Solar energy on a smaller scale can also be used for passively heating water and homes without creating electricity. Solar ovens are very simple and can be useful in areas where electricity and other clean ways to cook are not readily available.

Another way to alter the effect of the Sun is painting the roofs of buildings and other surfaces a reflective white that reflects the Sun’s rays, keeping the buildings cooler. Rooftop gardens can increase shade, which can keep buildings cooler in the summer, and retaining heat in the winter, saving energy.

• Hydroelectric power

Hydroelectric power uses the energy in water, stored behind a dam, then used to spin turbines and generate electricity. Since the water level is higher behind the dam, when water is released the gravitational energy in the higher water level turns into kinetic energy (movement of water) and that kinetic energy can be used to spin turbines and generate electricity. Some states and countries use it to great advantage.

This process itself does not produce GHG. However, dams are now about everywhere they can be, so there isn’t a lot of room to add more in most countries. Also, dams often create environmental havoc and require concrete to build, and concrete production produces CO2 (perhaps acceptable as an initial environmental cost that would result in net negative CO2 in the long run, if there weren’t other problems). Old dams are expensive to maintain, and a breach can be a major disaster. Further, with the droughts and low water levels in many areas globally, from the American Southwest to the Yangtze River in China, hydroelectric power is looking less and less reliable.

• Tidal power

Similarly, much like the power in water stored behind a dam, the tides embody a huge amount of energy (using the gravitational forces generated by the moon primarily). So far, although there have been some small projects using tidal power, using water power in the form of tidal forces has not been scalable. It is important to consider where the devices to capture tidal energy would be located as they may have multiple negative effects on the local (ocean, estuary or river) ecosystem.

• Geothermal energy

Many areas use the heat generated by geologic processes to either produce electricity or to heat buildings directly, and even for cooling buildings! This has been limited to areas where the technology to exploit the Earth’s deep store of heat energy are more readily available to exploit, but the United States Department of Energy thinks we can do more. Some newer proposed technologies to exploit geothermal energy overlap with oil and gas technologies (e.g., fracking) and there may be unintended consequences. Will it be a way to make that technology work for good, or a Faustian bargain? Stay tuned.

• Nuclear fission

Nuclear fission reactions “split the atom,” breaking up the atomic nucleus of large, heavy atoms, like uranium, releasing energy. Nuclear energy using fission is an option since it does not directly produce GHG (beyond building the facility); doing the math, some find it hard to see how we can survive climate change without it. Others disagree, saying other alternatives would be sufficient if aggressively pursued.

There are great concerns about nuclear energy:

  • Nuclear power plants take a long time to build and are very expensive to construct and maintain safely.

  • The long-term problems of nuclear waste storage and transporting the waste to storage facilities.

  • There is the ecological damage from the vast amounts of water used for cooling (which is returned to the ocean or other body of water it came from as hot water, along with other contamination).

  • There are also security risks. They can be a target for terrorists (the nuclear fuel is well on the way to being bomb material). In the summer of 2022, nuclear plants in the Ukraine have been damaged during the Russian invasion, certainly a security risk!

  • Nuclear plant accidents with releases of radioactive material.

Because of the problems there had been no new nuclear power plants in the United States for decades until July 2023 when a new one came on line in Georgia.

While supporters highlight that to date few deaths have been attributable to radiation from accidents at nuclear energy power stations, the Chernobyl disaster in 1986 sent clouds of radioactive material into the atmosphere and wreaked havoc on the local environment. Few died from the 2011 Fukushima nuclear disaster in Japan directly due to radioactive exposure, but it is hard to know what the long-term consequences of the radioactive releases may be (including into the ocean). And the next accident may be larger, especially in countries with less oversight and more corruption.

Some say that much smaller local nuclear facilities or devices (Advanced Small Modular Reactors or SMRs) would have less security risk, less risk of disasters with the release of radioactive materials, and wouldn’t need the vast amounts of water for cooling, so would be safer over all and easier on the local ecosystem. In January 2023 the Nuclear Regulatory Commission approved designs for the first small modular nuclear reactor in the United States.

Even Greta Thunberg, the young activist, referring to German plans to decommission nuclear power plants but continue coal generated electricity, felt that it is not the time to decommission active plants if the replacement is coal or natural gas.

Many of us have learned not to trust nuclear energy and the industry behind it. Is it possible there are safer ways to do it? Is it our only way out of climate change if we are to be fair and have energy for a growing population around the world?

Some say yes. Some say no, never, no way, and for very good reasons. Another Faustian bargain?

• Nuclear fusion

Some consider nuclear fusion as a source of energy a holy grail, an answer to many of our problems, but it isn’t possible to use fusion for energy production yet.

Fusion is a form of nuclear energy as atomic nuclei are involved, but it is quite different from the fission reactions that are currently used to generate electricity in nuclear energy power plants. Fusion reactions smash two small, light nuclei together to form a larger atom, releasing a lot of energy. Fusion reactions are what power the Sun. They are why the universe isn’t just a cloud of hydrogen.

Nuclear fusion reactions, like fission, are “clean” sources of energy in the sense that no CO2 or other GHG are released. Fusion as a source of power has a big leg up over fission in that fission-based nuclear energy reactions produce long-lived weapons-grade radioactive waste, but fusion reactions don’t! An additional safety factor with fusion is that, unlike fission, fusion doesn’t rely on chain reactions, so if something goes wrong with a reactor, the fusion will stop.

The problem isn’t that we can’t make fusion happen. Think of the awful destruction that fusion-based hydrogen bombs can produce, much more than fission atomic bombs that use heavy atoms like uranium. We also use fusion reactions in research, but it takes a lot of energy.

The problem is controlling fusion in a way that makes the released energy useful and doesn’t take more energy to get going than it produces. As described in our news post of December 14, 2022 a potentially huge leap was made when lasers were used to initiate a fusion reaction that produced more energy than was put in!

Now, it wasn’t a lot of energy that was produced (one estimate was enough to boil five kettles of water!), but as a “proof of principle” it holds great promise. But while some scientists say we may see this bear real practical fruit in 10-20 years, they are just guessing. We don’t know yet if it can scale up sufficiently in that time. Let’s call it an educated guess, if not totally wishful thinking.

Let’s hope it can scale up and we can use fusion reactions to generate electricity! It would be a game changer for humanity and so life on Earth.

• Agricultural waste and biofuel

Agricultural waste as an energy source is different from growing crops for biofuel. Growing crops for biofuel is not very useful since, although the growing crops do draw down CO2, it uses valuable land and water and takes equipment that generates GHG. Growing crops for biofuel therefore puts pressure on the food supply and creates GHG for little gain.

However, if agricultural waste is really unavoidable waste (it often isn’t, but rather is the result of poor practices), then using the waste isn’t using agricultural resources and generates less extra GHG. Further, if we just put the waste in a landfill it will create much more GHG (methane) by natural processes of microbiological metabolism. Similarly, cooking oil, garbage, and manure can be raw materials for biofuel. Katherine Hayhoe in Saving Us writes that United Airlines has been refueling flights out of Los Angeles with agricultural waste biofuel since 2016!

• Hydrogen

Hydrogen as a fuel, especially for powering vehicles, has potential, but it is hard to separate out the real promise from hype.

Hydrogen burns clean, releasing only water vapor and no GHG. There are hydrogen-powered vehicles out there already.

To be useful it would require a lot of resources and infrastructure to scale up. The hydrogen fuel has to be transported and stored safely and be available. California, for example, is planning on increasing the infrastructure for hydrogen-powered vehicles. One idea that would need less infrastructure is to use hydrogen for mass transit, for example buses in cities and suburbs, where they would be refueled in a central location.

The source material for hydrogen is water. Whether to use fresh water, a scarce resource during droughts, or to alter the ecology of sources of salt water and performing extra energy-requiring steps to remove the salt, isn’t a trivial concern.

The benefit is that no greenhouse gases are produced when hydrogen is used as a fuel. However, how “clean” hydrogen production is depends on whether or not clean energy sources are used to run the reaction of splitting the water into hydrogen and oxygen (which takes energy).

  • “Brown or black” hydrogen is produced from energy derived from coal.

  • “Grey” hydrogen uses methane (natural gas) and generates CO2.

  • “Blue” hydrogen at least captures the CO2 generated using methane.

  • The best is “green” hydrogen that uses renewable energy sources to power the production of hydrogen for fuel.

  • White hydrogen is hydrogen in natural deposits deep in the earth. While some large deposits have been found, it is not clear just how many such deposits there are that are accessible, what energy and resources it would take to extract the hydrogen, and whether it can it be obtained economically. It may take way too long to figure out, decades or more, but there is a lot of interest in this (including by fossil fuel companies whose technology and expertise can be adapted to exploit white hydrogen).

  • Gold hydrogen is formed by microbial action in oil and gas wells.

    While white and gold hydrogen do not need energy to create the hydrogen from water, it will take energy to extract and transport the hydrogen.

There are bipartisan efforts to use provisions of the Inflation Reduction Act (see the August 16, 2022 news post) to make hydrogen fuels more affordable in the United States. The devil of how the tax incentives will work is in the details, which are still being worked out.

Hydrogen is currently used primarily by the chemical industry. Even if not practical for transportation, green hydrogen would be a boon. A concern is that the hype around hydrogen is a form of greenwashing by the chemical industry! For now, it is very expensive to produce green hydrogen and it isn’t clear what role hydrogen powered vehicles may have given the energy used to produce and distribute hydrogen and upgrade the infrastructure to handle it.

See our October 15, 2023 News post for further discussion about hydrogen as fuel.

• Less meat and less organic waste in landfills

Less meat in our diets, especially from cows and sheep, would have many benefits. It takes up a lot of CO2-producing resources to feed the animals (growing their feed and cutting down trees for the land to use for the livestock and to grow their food), and to ship and process the meat. Why cows and sheep in particular? These ruminants produce GHG (methane belches are not trivial when in the billions). Cows produce 10 times more GHG than chickens do pound-for-pound. See personal actions for more details.

Landfills are a major source of methane. Less organic waste in landfills means less methane is produced as the waste breaks down. We need to create less food waste and do more composting on large scales in our communities. Los Angeles has started doing so in 2023.

• Solving concrete

Making concrete releases vast amounts of GHG, particularly CO2. This is not just due to the energy used, it is part of the chemical reaction in concrete formation; even if clean energy is used, CO2 is produced when concrete is made. Research into new processes is being done. None are quite ready for prime time at the scale we need.

2. Regulation and Carbon Schemes

These are methods the government can use to help create a more level playing field when standing up to the powerful fossil fuel industries and to help us do the right thing on a large scale. The Inflation Reduction Act is a major, if imperfect, effort that many environmentalists hope will on balance do a lot of good in stimulating efforts to fight climate change and pollution. 

• Carbon pricing

Carbon pricing, or a carbon tax, or carbon fee and dividend, is a price on the production of GHG that is intended to stimulate efficiency in industry and a shift to non-fossil fuel energy sources by impacting companies’ bottom lines.

Clearly efficiency is win-win, as it can increase profits while decreasing GHG, but only if those with other agendas don’t subvert it. Simulations suggest that we won’t decrease GHG enough to reach our goals and mitigate climate change without this approach!

Carbon pricing is considered controversial by some, especially progressives, because it can be a regressive tax that disproportionally hurts the poor since the expenses will be passed on to consumers. Whether or not it is regressive depends on how it is handled. The funds generated can go back to the people who would be impacted economically to make it equitable.

There also needs to be a border tax, or carbon border adjustment, as the European Union (EU) has done, for goods from countries that use more GHG than is acceptable and don’t have carbon pricing, or it would be easy for large corporations to do an end run around these carbon fees.

Others fear it stifles the economy. But it has been shown to be effective in decreasing GHG if well designed and can be phased in, giving the economy time to adjust, and has been used elsewhere without economic disruption. Of course, we will have to pay the carbon border adjustment to the EU, a major trading partner with the United States, because we don’t have such legislation! Not having this legislation will cost us.

Carbon fee and dividend is favored by the Citizens Climate Lobby group, a good place to learn more.

Carbon pricing as described above is sometimes confused with carbon offsets. They are not the same thing.

• Carbon offsets

Carbon offsets is the term used when a company (or an individual) offsets the GHG they generate by funding programs that are climate friendly: windmills, growing trees (or not cutting them down, if they were going to be cut down, sometimes not clearly the case, as when the trees are in a nature preserve), and the like. The programs can be voluntary or government mandates.

Carbon offsets can be useful if they indeed result in a decrease in net GHG. Sometimes they are used in order to “greenwash,” making it look like something is getting done, but the efforts aren’t really doing much, if anything (except as good public relations or for profit).

Also, for individuals who buy offsets, it can lull one into a sense of accomplishment, consciously or unconsciously ending up enabling more GHG production. Offsetting 0.01%, as is sometimes the case (it’s buried in the fine print) won’t do much, but may consciously or unconsciously encourage more activities that generate GHG (think of someone who burns 100 calories in the gym, and then feeling entitled and virtuous eats 1000 calories of ice cream, not really doing the math).

Carbon offsets are big business. By some estimates, voluntary offsets generate over a billion dollars a year, and total potential offsets are in the range of hundreds of billions of dollars, potentially increasing to over a trillion dollars (I have seen various estimates, but you get the idea).

In principle, if properly vetted and managed they could be effective. Too often it seems they are not. Vetting in voluntary programs is done by private corporations that are perhaps not very likely to bite the hands that feed them.

On 8/31/22 CNBC reported that : “Reps. Jared Huffman, D-Calif., Natural Resources Chairman Raúl M. Grijalva, D-Ariz., and Select Committee on the Climate Crisis Chair Kathy Castor, D-Fl., wrote a letter to the U.S. comptroller general on Tuesday [8/30/22] arguing that climate offset programs are often fraudulent and mislead consumers without taking meaningful climate action.”

If carbon offsets work to prevent GHG or draw down GHG, it is a good investment. If it does little, or nothing, or greenwashes/makes things worse, it is a travesty.

Do carbon assets offset carbon?

An even more inconvenient truth: why carbon offsets for forest preservation may be worse than nothing.”

There is criticism of California’s carbon offset policy by MIT Technology Review.

When buying carbon offsets: caveat emptor.

• Other regulations

Other regulatory approaches include requirements for new buildings to have certain environmental additions (solar, white roofs, a high level of efficiency and few leaks of energy), regulating landfills and air and water quality, acceptable gas mileage and emissions control for vehicles, zoning (for example for developers and buildings, urban agriculture, traffic, businesses and industry), recycling and composting, just to name a few. Many of these are decided by local governments.

3. Pull CO2 out of the air (carbon dioxide removal, CDR)

What about removal of GHG from the atmosphere? We can capture CO2. If it works, we can even make things much better… but we aren’t there yet.

A. Industrial CO2 removal (“scrubbing” the air) aka direct air carbon capture and storage/sequestration (DACCS) and pulling CO2 out of the air

Carbon capture and storage is taken seriously in the latest Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report.

However, at this time DACCS is limited in that no technology has been shown to be safe and effective at the scales needed.

Industrial “scrubbing” CO2 at the source (factories, coal-fueled power plants) and other forms of technological carbon removal (processes to pull CO2 out of the air) work to some degree, but are at this time very expensive and take a lot of energy, which if it isn’t clean energy is counterproductive.

Once you capture the carbon you have to store the CO2 safely so it doesn’t leak back into the atmosphere, not a trivial or cheap task.

There is the “moral hazard” also of continuing to create GHG thinking it’s no longer a problem before the technology is mature or sufficient to handle the amount of CO2 removal needed. One step forward, two back, and at a price. A related concern is that attention and resources get diverted to these expensive efforts rather than where they may do more good. Industries that generate GHG like it because it allows them to continue doing business as usual (with the risk being that they will produce even more GHG by increasing fossil fuel production and use, decreasing the net gains), while looking virtuous (greenwashing at a price).

Also, some technologies require large scale alterations to the environment, for example, the oceans, that are unprecedented and not without risk.

On the other hand, if done virtuously and carefully, with adequate research and safeguards, especially if there are technological advances, DACCS could play an important role in combatting climate change.

Let’s hope for breakthroughs and enough non-GHG producing energy sources are available to make it feasible to do on a large scale, but we aren’t even close to there now. However, there is a lot of research going on and some promising avenues (while behind a paywall, a good review of attempts to pull CO2 out of the air is in the November 2023 issue of National Geographic: Clearing the Air by Sam Howe Verhovek)

The Biden administration is funding DACCS technologies through the Inflation Reduction Act. Recently, 1.2 billion dollars was given to projects in Texas and Louisiana. As an article from National Oceanic Administration and Atmospheric (NOAA) details, fourteen million dollars have been earmarked for natural efforts (e.g. seaweed, see next section on natural CO2 removal), as well as other approaches using the ocean that are a bit more controversial.

We really do need to clean up our mess. If we can avoid the moral hazard, use clean energy to power DACCS, and not do more harm than good when altering the oceans and other large-scale systems, and we actually do remove CO2 safely and efficiently, carbon capture and storage can be a powerful tool that will make a huge difference. A lot of “ifs.” But the prize is we could make it not just less bad, but better.

B. Natural CO2 removal

• Planting trees

Natural CO2 removal is attractive. It is necessary and useful, but also limited. Planting trees is a way to draw down CO2 and there are other benefits as well. Of course, it can take decades to work (they start small!). They also decrease albedo, the ability of light surfaces to reflect heat, a bit of a downside, though often worth the trade-off: besides the CO2 that trees metabolize to oxygen and water, the shade they produce is important in decreasing urban heat islands as well. Trees also humidify the air, a huge effect in tropical rainforests. Of course the latter brings us to another point: planting stands of trees is much less important than preserving complex ecosystems in the first place!

But planting trees won’t solve our problems. It would take vast amounts of land that isn’t available to make a large difference.  In Speed and Scale, the author writes that to remove the emissions produced just by Americans, let alone the world, we’d need to plant trees on the area of half the earth’s land mass. One estimate is that if we planted the 60 billion trees that the US might be able to handle, we would eventually draw down about 10% of our current CO2 production. Many regions do not have the unused land, geography, water, or climate to make a huge tree planting effort. And some less well designed efforts end up creating more GHG as it takes energy to transport and plant the trees, which if not carefully planned and maintained, can die and release their carbon right back to the atmosphere!

Another problem is that trees burn releasing carbon and particulate pollution. That alone isn’t a reason not to plant them, but it underscores the need for careful management of tree planting to decrease the likelihood of adding fuel to the wildfires with dead or poorly located and managed trees!

While I am pointing out that trees are not in themselves the answer we might fantasize they should be, planting trees and protecting what trees we have whenever possible, as well as protecting and cultivating other organisms that use CO2 in photosynthesis (plankton, kelp, coral reefs), is a great thing to do when done right.

The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 has funds for forest restoration and planting a billion trees in the next decade. Let’s hope it is done right! It will be a great step forward if it is.

• Other biological solutions

Similarly, large-scale biologic solutions like algae or plankton that use photosynthesis would be hard to scale up sufficiently and ecologically. For example, one suggestion is seeding the ocean with iron to encourage the growth of plankton. Doing that on a large scale is untested and there are major safety concerns. Phytoplankton in the ocean draw down CO2 and produce oxygen (about half the oxygen we breathe), and are the base of the ocean food chain (that also provides us with economic benefits and feeds us!). We have to be very careful.

Whales, for example, are a carbon sink. They store as much as 33 tons of CO2 per whale, for decades, perhaps even more than a century (something we need now as we develop mitigation), then release it slowly if they die naturally and sink to the ocean floor and are eaten (further cycling the CO2). Whales also cycle nutrients in the oceans by feeding deep in the ocean and pooping in shallow waters, feeding the plankton. A truly “circular economy."

Soil also locks up carbon. When we till soil, or the wind blows it away, we lose that carbon sink. We need to protect soil.

• Biochar

Biochar is an ancient way of burning wood and organic matter without releasing much CO2 compared to the amount of CO2 it locks up. It was used extensively by some indigenous peoples for millennia, creating rich, fertile soil. It is also good for the land as biochar can help the organic component of soil if buried. Some believe economic scaling up may not be easy, but it is another approach that can be win-win.

• Regenerative agriculture

Regenerative agriculture techniques, including using perennial and cover crops, minimizing tilling, appropriate crop rotation and animal husbandry, can lock up vast amounts of carbon; Wayne Visser in Thriving estimates 20 billion tons of CO2.

Changing how rice is cultivated, currently a source of methane, is an approach being explored.

“The State Of Carbon Removal, a global independent scientific assessment of Carbon Dioxide Removal” , an in-depth report, is available as a free PDF.

4. Block sunlight and other geoengineering

Geoengineering is placing material in the atmosphere to prevent sunlight from reaching the earth or altering the face of the earth, including the oceans, to lock up carbon.

Gee, what could possibly go wrong?

Actually, a lot of things.

It is a great idea on paper, in reality it is a huge undertaking altering multiple delicate systems in ways we do not understand.

Geoengineering is a term that can include techniques such as carbon dioxide removal from the atmosphere (“scrubbing”) that are reasonably well understood, but not feasible at this time.

More exotic methods like enhanced weathering by distributing ground rocks with certain minerals and ocean alkalinization are more novel and less well-understood and untested on a large scale.

Solar irradiation modification with the deposition of chemicals like sulfur dioxide in the atmosphere blocks sunlight. The full effects of this on the water cycle (clouds and rain) and therefore the weather and other natural processes are mostly explored by computer models. There are many unknowns as well as ethical and legal concerns: once you do it, everybody is stuck with it! The atmosphere is one system without borders, a potential source of international conflict.

From Reuters June 28, 2023:

“The European Commission on Wednesday called for international talks on the dangers and governance of geoengineering, saying such interventions to alter the climate posed ‘unacceptable’ risks.

Geoengineering has attracted increasing interest as countries fail to cut greenhouse gas emissions fast enough to curb climate change. But the issue of manipulating planetary systems to fight global warming remains highly controversial.”

We are attracted to it as an easy fix that allows business as usual, and certainly the fossil fuel industry is salivating over it.

But we don’t really know that it is an easy fix, if it will work, what all the drawbacks could be, what it will do to the water cycle, or what it will do to atmospheric or ocean chemistry and ecosystems in and relying on those spaces, that is, life on Earth.

Let’s keep our eye on the ball. We know what the problem is increased GHG in the atmosphere from human activities, and that is what we need to address. It won’t be easy, but it is feasible. We will have to decrease GHG production, especially CO2, anyway, even if we try these unproven, untested geoengineering schemes. We don’t know if geoengineering will be sufficiently effective in practice! But importantly, as noted earlier, CO2 stays around for centuries. If for ANY reason it doesn’t work sufficiently, or, since the effect is not permanent, (the material will disperse) or if supply chain disruptions or lack of materials develop, or there are geopolitical conflicts, economic downturns or pandemics, if there is any interruption, and we had allowed CO2 levels (and other GHG that can last years to many decades) to increase while we felt “covered” by this techie solution, we would get a rapid, devastating huge over-shoot of warming in a potentially unstable atmospheric and ocean system.

It could be game over.

So, that’s what could go wrong.

But yes, we may get that desperate someday. Or, more positively, we may understand it better or have a firm grasp of  geoengineering’s limits and our abilities to sustain the technology. Researching it further is appropriate. In the meantime, it is a distraction and potentially very dangerous.

5. Waste not want not: the circular economy

Recycle, reuse, reduce, repurpose. Less waste, less need to generate CO2 making new things, obtaining the raw materials for new things, shipping new things, dealing with waste in landfills, and the like. A lot of energy is wastefully used, and CO2 and other GHG produced.

There are many definitions of the circular economy. The Ellen MacArthur Foundation defines the circular economy as “one that is restorative and regenerative by design and aims to keep products, components, and materials at their highest utility and value at all times.”

Image from the Ellen MacArthur Foundation

The EPA also has material on the circular economy.

6. Adapt

We have no choice. We need resiliency and adaptation.

We need to protect all of us, not neglecting vulnerable groups, from direct health effects of heat, as well as the indirect effects of climate change and environmental degradation such as rising sea levels, extreme weather, and loss of soil and water and other diminishing resources.

Disaster preparedness is critical. We have to find better ways to deal with extreme weather events (planning and assigning the appropriate emergency and restorative resources). We need to protect ourselves and our communities from extreme weather disasters (rains and hurricanes with high winds and floods, and rising oceans, already a problem, particularly in parts of the southern United States and along the Atlantic coast) and other climate-related disasters (e.g., wildfires).

Since we have done so little to stem the tide of increasing atmospheric GHG, resiliency and adaptation has become so important that it has a separate section: resiliency and adaptation.

7. Can we afford this?

The easy answer is that we have no choice, we can’t afford not to address these problems. But take heart. These solutions include new industries with new opportunities. That includes job creation at a time when many traditional middle income jobs are disappearing.

We have to balance the costs, economic, social, environmental, against the immense costs of business as usual relying on fossil fuels.

In the book Thriving, Wayne Visser, writes that “government spending on either energy efficiency or renewable energy is likely to create almost three times as many jobs as the same investment in fossil-fuels.” Yet governments spent $7 trillion in 2022 in fossil-fuel subsidies worldwide according to the International Monetary Fund. That is 7% of the annual global gross domestic product (GDP)! This gives fossil fuel companies an unfair advantage, a real boost at our expense. The money could be better spent on mitigating and adapting to climate change, as well as leveling the market playing field. Visser also points out that it could cost just 0.5% of global annual GDP to reach net-zero carbon by 2050. Some nations can little afford that, but as a species, we can easily. On the other hand, as VIsser also points out, one estimate is that over half of global GDP is threatened by the loss of natural resources.

In summary

There is a lot we can do right now.

There are no silver bullets (some say we need a silver shotgun!). Certain projects may be less effective at decreasing GHG than we hope, and harder to do than we think, depending on many factors. It is important to consider that and not just run after solutions that sound good on paper or in our hearts.

On the other hand, we need to keep an open mind and keep researching and innovating, We don’t know what we don’t know yet. But while we can hope for more miracles, we have to get started with what we know now.

Adaptation and resiliency aren’t luxuries any longer.

We need the will to do this, despite special interests that try to fight any action that diminishes their power or profits. It will pay for itself many times over.

That’s where you come in. We have to make sure our policymakers, corporations and politicians understand that this is what we want because this is what we need.

Additional Resources

No Miracles Needed; how today’s technology can save our climate and clean the air. Mark Z Jacobson. St Martin’s Press. 2023. We can do this. A deep and useful dive into Wind Water Solar as solutions. The miracle will be if we have the political and social will to get it done! Dr. Jacobson is a professor in engineering at Stanford and an environmental activist.

Knowledge To Power, the comprehensive handbook for climate science and advocacy. John Perona. Ooligan Press, Portland State University, 2021.  Excellent background and discussions of relevant topics by a scientist, academic, lawyer, activist.

Saving Us, a climate scientist’s case for hope and healing in a divided world. Katharine Hayhoe. One Signal Publisher (Simon and Schuster), 2021. The title says it all. A climate scientist, with street cred, she is the chief scientist for The Nature Conservancy. Much in here about communicating and reaching out. She lives in Texas and is an evangelical Christian, so she has walked that walk and talked that talk. Readable and a bit optimistic.

The Carbon Almanac, it’s not too late. Seth Godin (this is a large collaboration by the Carbon Almanac Network). Portfolio Penguin, 2021. A collection of articles or short chapters. Very useful, full of interesting and useful material. Great to peruse.

The Thinking Person’s Guide to Climate Change. Robert Henson. AMS books 2nd ed., 2019. This is from the American Meteorological Society. At almost 500 pages I haven’t tried to read it through, but it is a good reference with a lot of great information and even practical ideas.

Drawdown, the most comprehensive plan ever proposed to reverse global warming. Edited by Paul Hawken. Penguin Books, 2017. This is a massive undertaking called “Project Drawdown,” a review and assessment with short discussions of pros, cons and economics of 100 tactics to draw down carbon from the atmosphere, all ranked. Well researched. Worth having even if a bit dated. Hope for a revised edition. Good to peruse.

Speed and Scale, an action plan for solving our climate crisis now. John Doerr. Penguin, 2021. Well written by a venture capitalist, so a certain perspective. This is one area we need to look for solutions, in the real world we live in. Innovation is important! Good to peruse as there are relatively short discussions.

Good News, Planet Earth! What’s being done to save our world, and what you can do too! Sam Bently. DK Penguin Random House, 2023. A positive and hopeful little book, good for perusing, actions big and small.

From the EPA, sources of emissions and some solutions (so a relatively conservative, broad look, not the say-all and end-all.).

For computer generated climate modeling, an educational experience is trying En-ROADS, which has feedback on the site to see what impact your choices made and why, but takes time to learn.

See also Resiliency and Personal Actions and Lifestyle Changes on this website.