Al Gore Speaks Powerful Truth About the Oil Companies

In a really powerful TED Talk from July 2023 Al Gore rants, in the best sense of the word, about oil company evil, “What the fossil fuel industry doesn’t want you to know,” naming the fossil fuel industry, appropriately, as the single largest obstacle to progress on climate change. Not only do they have deep pockets, but we subsidize them to the tune of 1.1 trillion dollars a year! He rails against their lies and political influence. They lie, then lie about their lies, again and again! He points out how they have taken over the COP (Conference of Parties) international process, with increased presence over the years and with the upcoming COP 28 from November 30 to December 12, 2023 to be held in a petrostate, Dubai. He criticizes carbon capture from the air (direct air capture or carbon capture and storage), though he says that, despite the lack of progress, it is worth funding research (but to the tune of 1.2 billion dollars as just allocated for pilot programs in Texas and Louisiana as the United States Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm announced August 11, 2023?).

There is much to learn and appreciate in this talk, including his passion, and importantly that he manages to end on a positive, hopeful note: we can do this, it is not too late!


There Has Been Wonderful News About Democracy and the Amazon.


You Say Potato…