An International Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty. Sign on; it’s easy!

The goal of this effort is to cut our dependence on fossil fuels by international agreement. The message is important, and the list of individuals and groups that have signed on is astounding. Whatever exact form such an international agreement might eventually take, it is critically important that the leaders of the world understand the need to cut our dependence on fossil fuels, and that the effort is well-supported.

The first national leader to call for a Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty at the UN General Assembly was the President of Vanatu, Nikenike Vurobaravu, in a speech on 9/23/22. Vanatu is an island country in the South Pacific. They were devastated by a cyclone in 2015. Now we need the larger nations that are actually doing the most damage to start paying attention, not just those suffering the most (as it so often is). On October 20, 2022 the European Parliament called on nation states to “work on developing a Fossil Fuel non-Proliferation Treaty”!

For more infromation about the treaty see

You can sign on as an individual here (you simply have to provide your name, email and country) if you aren’t in one of the other groups they list. The other groups are parliamentarians, academics, cities (Los Angeles has signed on), faith leaders, health professionals, parents, and youth. It is supported by many major environmental groups. I signed on as a physician and signed the letter from academics and researchers.

It is a chance to be in great company and part of a chorus of voices calling for real action.


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